2. 为何在此地提出?
3. 如何理解六次主旨演讲五次谈到“未来”
1. 信心:“安危不贰其志 险易不革其心”
2. 面对这种局势,应该怎么看?
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Unlock opportunities across the security value chain at the most important meeting place for global security professionals. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the global security industry is rapidly changing to adapt and innovate. Intersec serves as a catalyst for these innovations where security leaders, innovative thinkers and experts come together to discuss and explore key aspects of the current and future safety threat and source the latest technologies and solutions. The 24th edition of Intersec continues to offer comprehensive products across security, emergency response, safety, cybersecurity and more, giving you the opportunity to connect with global suppliers, service providers, investors and leading brands of the industry. Important: Pre-registration is mandatory this year as there will be no ...
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